Saturday 8 March 2014

Use of pond liners offer a cost-effective solution

I wanted to put an ornamental pond in my back yard to attract frogs. I just wanted to sit outside on a warm summer’s night and listen to the great sounds that frogs make. It is so relaxing.

But first, I need to make my pond. I chose a location in our backyard that wasn’t too shady (as the leaves trees contaminate the water), and that was fairly level. First job is to dig the hole I want to the size and shape, as I want the pond to not only attract the frogs but to look good as well.

I looked at a number of ways to waterproof the hole once I had dug it. Concrete was my first thought. This quickly disappeared when i looked at the practicality and the cost of lining with concrete. This type of lining still needs some sort of waterproofing to seal it. Let’s face it, I’m not building a structural wall here just a “cheap” pond. However I did want to add fish at some stage.

With the pond liner in, it was recommended that we cover the edges of the liner as much as possible with rocks and other features. This not only helps protect the liner, but made the pond much more attractive.
And now the pond is full and the sound of the frogs is just a wonderful way to relax on the warm summer nights.

For More Information Visit:-  Pond Liner

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