Saturday, 23 August 2014

How to Look After Your Water Tank Liner

Tank Liners are great way to extend the life of a leaking tank. Looked after properly, a tank liners will provide many years of service. To make sure you do get the maximum lifespan from a liner, there are a few maintenance procedures you should follow. Regardless of how the tank is maintained, it is recommended that the tank is inspected at least every 2 years for sludge and sediment build up at the bottom of the tank. Also check that all openings, inlets and overflows are either securely closed or that insect proof mesh is used.

Preventing Contamination: - As with health, prevention is the best cure. So to, if you minimise or stop contamination from entering the tank, then cleaning is easier and sludge and containments will take longer to build up.
  1. Keep roof areas clear of overhanging vegetation. This also stops roosting points for birds and access by small animals such as possums, rodents and cats.
  2. Make sure hatches are closed and use screens over inlets and overflows to prevent access by small animals and birds.
  3. Keep gutters clean and use gutter shields to stop the collection of larger material.
  4. Make sure all piping is compliant to Australian standards
  5. Do not connect to any part of the roof where containments maybe present, such as bitumen coated roofs, preservative treated woods, uncoated lead flashing etc.
  6. Do no swim inside a storage tank
  7. Prevent mosquitos breeding. Anywhere water can pool can become a breeding ground for mosquitos and other insects. Use tight fitting lids or insect proof screens on all access points, inlets and overflow areas. Both Queensland and the Northern Territory specify screens as follows:
Qld – brass, copper, aluminium or stainless steel gauze no coarser than 1 mm aperture measure.
NT – brass or bronze wire not coarser than 7 meshes to the centimetre (each way) and of 33 gauge wire.

What To Look For

Aside from regular inspections, you should regularly check the water condition. Rainwater from a water tank should be soft, clear and almost tasteless. If any of these changes, your tank needs to be inspected. There are 3 basic changes with the water to look out for:
  1. changes to the colour of the water. If it becomes discoloured it is a sign that there are containments in the water
  2. smells and foul odours are signs that algae might be growing, there is rotting vegetation or dead animals are present.
  3. Foul taste is also a sign that containments are present.
Cleaning A Tank

Over time sludge and other debris will accumulate at the bottom of a tank. How fast this occurs will depend on a number of factors. Usually the sludge at the bottom of a tank can be siphoned off without the need to empty the tank. If the debris is coarse, you may need to use a hose up to 50 mm in diameter.

In some cases you may need to drain the tank to clean it. Choose carefully what you will clean the tank with as harsh chemicals can destroy a tank liner or can contaminate the water. Also be careful not to damage the liner when cleaning, so this means don’t wear shoes and avoid using any sharp instruments that can tear or pierce the liner. For extreme cases, such as a dead animal has been in the tank, consider using a professional tank cleaning service.

If you do enter the tank, ensure that there is adequate ventilation and work with at least one other person present.

The Australian Government has a comprehensive resource guide on tank water contaminates and cleaning.$File/env_rainwater.pdf

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